Anime and Video Game humor
This section is, in a way, a list of all those crazy things I think of while watching Anime or Video Games. There's a lot of different stuff in this page. But don't worry, everything will be explained by a short introduction before you start reading.
If you have a particular comment you'd like to give me, or a suggestion for the page (i.e. new ideas). Feel free in sending them at:
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Anyway, on to bussiness. I hope you'll enjoy your staying here.
The Top 10 Anime list
No, this isn't list of "best Anime", I found it more entertaining creating
a list of:
That's right. Anime has also its share of bad fathers. All of them ranked up from #10 to #1. If you ever complained about your dad... just wait til you get a look at these guys.
Top 10 Anime's biggest perverts.
No woman is safe with these guys around. More than a list, this will help you girls identify the enemy before it's too late.
Top 10 Anime's nicest person in the WWW.
Not to confuse with "World Wide Web". The WWW stands for "Whole Wide
World". In this page you'll see the top ten persons you'd defenitively
want to meet.
Neon Genesis Evangelion's NEW oppening and closing theme song.
Oppening theme: Son Goku & Tenshin-han's Thesis (Short version)
Closing theme: Fly
me Sailor Moon
Things Ranma ½ characters would never say
I think this is self explanitory. If you really know the characters well, this should prove interesting for you folks.
Anime and Video games expressions for your everyday life
This is a list of interesting ways of using Anime and Video Games vocabulary.
There are certain paterns that can be defined in an Anime Characters
according to their age. You'll be surprised to see how many things in common
a guy and girl of the same age have.
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