(The screen opens with scenes of Ranma firing Hiryu Shoutenha, Sailor Moon transforming, Goku turning into a Super-Saiyajin, Tenchi activating Tenchi-ken, Shinji synchronizing with Eva, Yuseke firing Reigan, Keiichi working with a blueprint, and Hikaru casting a spell. After each of these scenes are finished individually, a guy who looks less trustworthy than a used car salesman walks in.) Guy: All these people getting spotlight... It's not fair now, is it? Do you want to be an anime character too? Well, now you can! (Scene: Hiroshi and Daisuke being drained by Ms. Hinako.) Guy's voiceover: Be the meaningless students in Ranma 1/2! (Scene: A monster is turned into a dust by Sailor Moon's attack.) Guy's voiceover: Be the monster-of-the-week in Sailor Moon! (Scene: Civilians are being killed by Majin Boo.) Guy's voiceover: Be the casualities in Dragon Ball! (The scene goes back to just the guy as well as a series of numbers below him.) Guy: Now these glories can be yours! Call below and be an anime character TODAY! [Disclaimers: All sources belong to their respective owners. This is simply intended as a piece of entertainment and nothing more.] ----------------------------------------------------------------------