Just who the heck is
Julian Soullard?

Full name: Julian N. Soullard Diaz (I'm not telling you what the "N" means, personally I don't like that part of my name).

Birthplace: Boulogne, France.

Day of birth: 14 September 1976.

Gender: Male (And I'll stay one even if you splash me with cold water).

Height: 188 Centimeters.

Weight: 68 Kilograms.

Nationality: Franco-Mexican.

Residence: Mexico City.

Occupation: College Student at the ITAM. Studying International Relations.

Spoken languages: Spanish, French, English and two or three words of Japanese.

Favorite colors: Blue, Black, White, Beige and Green.

Hobbies: Anime, role-play, movies, theater, writing fanfics (bet you didn't expect that one), making/telling jokes, taking a walk, playing video games and in very, VERY, rare occasions, doing sports.

Physical profile:

Eyes: Brown.

Hair: Long brown hair. 

Skin: Let's just say I really need to start working on my tan.

Constitution: Rather thin, even though I eat like two people.

Looks: Average. I'm no Anime pretty boy, but you won't be disgusted if you look at my face.

Casual clothing: I change styles too much in order to tell. I even dressed like Ranma once, so you can expect a little bit of everything coming from me.


With normal people: I'm usually the quiet guy who keeps his thoughts to himself... well, except when the opportunity for a smart-ass reply shows up. But still, I enjoy being alone most of the time.

With my friends: Not exactly you "normal people" bunch (no, we're not on drugs or anything!). But I really enjoy spending time with them. I'm always in for jokes, puns, and well... slang. All of this, and of course, watching Anime, doing Role-play, going to see a movie, playing video games or just spend some quality time with them.

Basically: I'm an introvertive guy, but I'm also very sarcastic (that has gotten me into troubles more than once). My friends say I'm the kind of guy who really doesn't seem to care much if something "shocking" happens. They also say I'm an anti-mushy guy (i.e. insensitive).
Well... that isn't completely inaccurate. But this is mostly due to the fact that I don't like to show my feelings. Maybe that's the reason I'm so sarcastic.
Okay, so I get a little gloomy from time to time, but there's no crime in that.


Music: Except for country music I can listen/enjoy to almost any kind of music. From Enya to Marylin Manson. Symphonic or Heavy metal. English, Spanish, Japanese, French or in any sort of language as long as it sounds good.

Video Games: Lately, I've been a real Tekken Tag Tournament addict. But I also like Samurai Showdown 4 and KOF '99. It's been a long time since I last played an RPG, but I like those as well.
I'm also a classic game lover. Such as: Contra 3, Castlevania 4, Super Ghost 'n Goblins, Phantasy Star 1, between others.

Anime: I really enjoy comedies (Ranma ½, Slayers, Fushigi Yugi and many more...). But I also like watching more serious stuff (Evangelion, X, Wings of Honeamise...). I even like watching senseless violent anime from time to time.

Rol Playing games: "Dragon Lance" and and "Mage: the Ascension" are number one on my list. Although I like to play other games as well, such as "Aberrant", "Hunters: the reckoning", "Werewolf: the Apocalypse" to name a few.

Well, I think that about covers it.

Now, stop wasting your time reading this and get back to the main page.